New adventures ahead!

It’s summer here and school holidays and about a month ago I asked my wife to teach me how to knit.

It went rather well, I made a tiny beanie then decided to challenge myself a bit more and made a cardigan for my dolly I’ve had since I was little and which we use as a hat model for the beanies we knit/crochet.bonnet


I’ve since knitted two Milos, which is like a right of passage for knitters Down Under. It’s a baby vest that you knit in the round.



I’ve also started to make stitchmarkers, which I was kinda doing as Emma needed some but now I’m actually selling them. ^_^ So I made a page on Facebook and a new instagram account. It’s starting slow but I’m enjoying the making part. I’ve always loved working with beads, I used to make earrings so this is right up my creative alley.






Still working on the next chapter of Selina and Donovan, while hunting for painted rocks (latest craze in our little country).

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and pleasant New Years celebration!


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